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huangs.jpg (32557 bytes)John Huang: A China-born U.S. citizen raised in Taiwan and former executive of the Lippo Group, a conglomerate controlled by the Riady banking family of Indonesia. Huang left Lippo to become deputy assistant secretary for international economic policy at the Commerce Department in June 1994. In December 1995, Huang resigned to become a fund-raiser for the Democratic National Committee. The Democrats returned $ 1.6 million of the more than $ 3 million he raised because the contributions were either illegal or suspicious. (Fifth Amendment)

Jane Huang: John Huang's wife, who according to DNC records raised $ 52,000 in 1995, when her husband was still a Commerce employee. Jane Huang's attorney has denied that she raised it, contradicting the DNC records. (Fifth Amendment)

wiriadinatas.jpg (51581 bytes)Arief and Soraya Wiriadinata: Legal permanent residents of Virginia, the Wiriadinatas attended a 1995 coffee at the White House, and over several months donated $ 450,000 to the DNC. Soraya's father, Hashim Ning, a business partner of Mochtar Riady, wired $ 500,000, which the couple used to make the donations. (Out of the country)
Agus Setiawan: Lippo employee who worked with John Huang and donated $ 5,500 to federal campaigns and political action committees, all since refunded. (Out of the country)
kanchan.jpg (74614 bytes)Pauline Kanchanalak: Business consultant from Thailand and legal resident of the United States who was solicited by John Huang for donations. The DNC returned all $ 253,000 contributed by Kanchanalak after she said the money was not hers. (Out of the country)
kronenberg.jpg (65385 bytes)Duangnet Kronenberg: Sister-in-law of Kanchanalak, Kronenberg donated $ 50,000 to the DNC on the day of a White House coffee she attended in June 1996. (Fifth Amendment)
chung.jpg (33043 bytes)Johnny Chung: A U.S. businessman who pleaded guilty in March to bank fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy involving a portion of the $ 366,000 he gave to Democrats in the 1996 campaign. He testified before the committee on May 11, 1999 and named General Ji Shengde, Chief of Chinese Military Intelligence, as the source of $300,000 he "could give to the president and the Democrat Party."
Irene Wu: Worked for Chung's fax machine business. (Fifth Amendment)

Na-Chi "Nancy" Lee: An engineer at Chung's fax machine business who allegedly solicited contributions from co-workers and reimbursed them. (Fifth Amendment)

potus-trie 0219.jpg (109885 bytes)Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie: American citizen and one of the first two suspects (along with Yuan Pei "Antonio" Pan) to be indicted, on Jan. 29, 1997, as a result of the Justice Department task force's campaign finance investigation. Trie was a Little Rock restaurateur who gathered $ 640,000 for Clinton's defense fund and an additional $ 645,000 for the DNC. Most of the money was from illegal foreign sources. The money was returned. (Out of the country. Trie came back to face charges and then left to visit his ailing wife.)
Suma Ching Hai: Leader of the Taiwan-based Buddhist sect whose members gave the bulk of the $ 640,000 that Trie delivered to Clinton's legal defense fund. (Refused to be interviewed)
potus-wang jun4.jpg (175855 bytes)Wang Jun: Chinese arms dealer and chairman of China International Trust and Investment Corp., the largest Chinese government-owned company, Wang was invited to a Feb. 6, 1996, coffee at the White House by the DNC at the behest of Trie. (Refused to be interviewed)
Ng Lap Seng: Macao businessman and Trie's business partner. They jointly owned a Macao company through which, according to the FBI, Ng wired Trie more than $ 900,000, part of which Trie donated to the DNC. (Refused to be interviewed)

Ming Chen: General manager of a restaurant in Beijing owned by Ng Lap Seng. Ng reimbursed Ming Chen's wife for checks she co-wrote to the DNC. (Out of the country)

Yuefang Chu: Ming Chen's wife. A resident of Gaithersburg, she testified before the Senate about "conduit" campaign contributions. (Fifth Amendment)

Stanley Ho: A Macao developer who gave $ 250,000 to a fund for the FDR memorial. (Refused to be interviewed)

potus-pan.jpg (58058 bytes)Yan Pei "Antonio" Pan: Former Lippo executive who was indicted on charges related to illegal fund-raising in January 1997. Pan allegedly received $ 80,000 in August 1996 from Ng Lap Seng in Macao and used some of the money to reimburse people he persuaded to write checks to the DNC. (Out of the country)
David Wang: A California used-car dealer, Wang is allegedly one of Pan's "straw donors." (Fifth Amendment)

Daniel Wu: Apparently another Pan "straw donor," Wu is a Taiwan-based businessman. (Refused to be interviewed)

vpotus-middleton.jpg (70668 bytes)Mark Middleton: Former Democratic fund-raiser and White House aide who left the administration in 1995 to pursue business deals with Asian businessmen, sometimes facilitated by Trie. (Fifth Amendment)
Mark Jimenez: A Miami computer entrepreneur and donor who made his largest contribution -- $ 50,000 -- to the DNC after a Feb. 6, 1996, coffee at the White House. (Fifth Amendment)

Manlin Foung: Trie's sister, Foung has testified that Trie reimbursed her from his bank account in China for her part of a $ 35,000 donation. (Fifth Amendment)

Joseph Landon: Friend of Manlin Foung, he was involved in the $ 35,000 donation that she made. He told House investigators that Trie reimbursed them. (Fifth Amendment.)

Dia Maria Mapili: A longtime employee of Trie's Daihatsu International Trading Corp. An indictment against Trie claims he ordered Mapili to destroy subpoenaed documents. (Fifth Amendment)

potus-zhan.jpg (358034 bytes)Keshi Zhan: Worked for Trie and Ng as an office manager. (Fifth Amendment)
potus-riadys.jpg (212231 bytes)James Riady: The Senate draft report on campaign finance accuses the Riady family of having a "long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence agency." James Riady -- an Indo-nesian who once lived legally in the United States -- is the deputy chairman of the family's main business, the Lippo Group. The family, including its businesses and partners, donated more than $ 700,000 to the Democrats between 1991 and 1996, much of which has been returned. Riady has denied any wrongdoing in a written statement. (Refused to be interviewed)
Mochtar Riady: James Riady's father and chairman of the Lippo Group. (Refused to be interviewed)

Stephen Riady: Another son of Mochtar Riady, Stephen heads the Chinese operations of the Lippo Group, Lippo Limited and the Hong Kong Chinese Bank. (Refused to be interviewed)

Roy Tirtadji: Managing director of the Lippo Group. (Refused to be interviewed)

Ken Hsui: A dual national, Hsui gave at least $ 300,000 to Democrats, half soon after he attended a dinner at the Jefferson Hotel with Clinton and three other Asian businessmen. (Refused to be interviewed)

Eugene Wu: Chairman of one of the largest corporations in Taiwan, Shin Kong Life Insurance, he attended the Jefferson Hotel dinner. (Refused to be interviewed)

James Lin: Wu's brother-in-law and owner of a Taipei construction company, Lin attended the Jefferson Hotel dinner. (Refused to be interviewed)

John Muncy: Executive vice president of the Lippo Group's Hong Kong Chinese Bank. (Refused to be interviewed)

hubbell.jpg (125412 bytes)Webster L. Hubbell: Former law partner of Hillary Rodham Clinton and associate attorney general, Hubbell received $ 700,000 in consulting fees from several companies, including the Lippo Group, after he left Justice in 1994. (Fifth Amendment)
Hogen Fukunaga: Leader of Honohana Sampogyo, a Japanese cult. In 1995, a follower wired $ 500,000 to Yogesh K. Gandhi. (Refused to be interviewed)
potus-gandhi.jpg (295476 bytes)Yogesh K. Gandhi: A great-grandnephew of Mohandas Gandhi and a California businessman, Gandhi gave the DNC $ 325,000, since returned. (Fifth Amendment)
potus-sieong.jpg (530833 bytes)Ted Sioeng: Indonesian-born businessman, who travels on a Belize passport, suspected by committee members of working, along with his family, on behalf of Chinese government interests in the United States. Senate investigators have found that more than half of the $ 400,000 that Sioeng's family contributed to the DNC in 1996 was transferred from Hong Kong-based firms. (Out of the country)
Jessica Elnitiarta: Sioeng's daughter. (Fifth Amendment)

Ridwan Dinata: Jessica Elnitiarta's husband, co-owns a business with Ted Sioeng. (Fifth Amendment)

potus-elnitiarta.jpg (325975 bytes)Sandra Elnitiarta: Co-owner, with her sister, of the Metropolitan Hotel in Los Angeles. (Out of the country)
Yoahan Elnitiarta: (Fifth Amendment)

Kent La: A business partner of Ted Sioeng. (Fifth Amendment)

Simon Chen: Former owner of the International Daily News, a Chinese-language daily newspaper based in Los Angeles. He sold the newspaper to Ted Sioeng. (Fifth Amendment)

Sioeng Fei Man: Editor of the International Daily News. (Fifth Amendment)

Subandi Tanuwidjaja: California resident and contributor at the Hsi Lai Temple event, he is married to Sioeng's daughter, Laureen. (Out of the country)

Suryanti Tanuwidjaja: DNC donor and Subandi Tanuwidjaja's sister. (Out of the country)

Susanto Tanuwidjaja: Father of Subandi and Suryanti, and Sioeng business associate. (Out of the country)

Laureen Elnitiarta: Ted Sioeng's daughter. (Out of the country)

Sundari Elnitiarta: Ted Sioeng's wife. (Out of the country)

Yanti Ardi: Ted Sioeng's sister and an Indonesian citizen. Money was brought into the country through her U.S. bank account, according to a House investigator. (Refused to be interviewed)

Nanny Nitiarta: Money was brought into the country through Nanny Nitiarta, who was not a legal resident alien. Jessica Elnitiarta had power of attorney for Nitiarta. (Refused to be interviewed)

Yopie Elnitiarta: Sioeng's son. (Out of the country)

Bruce Cheung: Works for Sioeng. Cheung attended DNC fund-raisers at the Hay-Adams Hotel. (Refused to be interviewed)

Li Kwai Fi: Sioeng associate who attended Hay-Adams events. (Refused to be interviewed)

Ambrose Hsiung: A Canada-based representative of Ted Sioeng's Panda Industries. (Refused to be interviewed)

lums.jpg (222869 bytes)Nora and Gene Lum: Owners of an Oklahoma gas pipeline company, Dynamic Energy Resources, who last year pleaded guilty to laundering $ 50,000 in illegal donations to congressional campaigns in 1994. (Fifth Amendment)
Larry Wong: A board member of Dynamic Energy Resources. (Fifth Amendment)

Gilbert Colon: Former head of the Commerce Department's Minority Business Development Agency, Colon was hired by Dynamic Energy in August 1994. Colon received a $ 3,000 check from Dynamic on Sept. 19, and four days later, he and his wife, Cheryl, gave $ 3,000 for the reelection of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), which has been returned. (Fifth Amendment)

mbrown.jpg (48273 bytes)Michael Brown: Son of late Commerce Secretary Ronald H. Brown. He pleaded guilty on Aug. 28, 1997, to making illegal contributions by providing $ 3,000 for colleagues to contribute in a 1994 election campaign. (Fifth Amendment)
Nolanda Hill: A former business partner of Ronald H. Brown, Hill has been indicted on separate fraud charges. She alleges that Brown told her domestic companies were being solicited for campaign contributions in exchange for being included on trade missions abroad. (Fifth Amendment)
intriago.jpg (393787 bytes)Charles Intriago: Former federal prosecutor and publisher of watchdog newsletter "Money Laundering Alert." His solicitations for Democratic campaigns have come under Justice Department and committee scrutiny. (Fifth Amendment)
Terri Bradley: A secretary fined for making political donations for her employer, Thomas Kramer, a Miami Beach developer and German citizen. (Fifth Amendment)

Gin F.J. Chen: A Taiwanese journalist who has written about illegal donations from Taiwanese nationals to American campaign committees in 1996. (Fifth Amendment)

potus-hsia.jpg (300451 bytes)Maria Hsia: Naturalized citizen and close associate of John Huang, Hsia faces charges that she helped launder campaign contributions from the Hsi Lai Temple. (Fifth Amendment)
Felix Ma: A former executive of the Lippo Group. (Out of the country)

Siuw Moi Lian: A nun. She made a $ 5,000 donation to the DNC in 1996. (Fifth Amendment)

Jou Sheng: A "Jou Sheng" donated $ 8,000 to the DNC in early 1996, claiming residence at a California Buddhist temple that later denied association with anyone by that name. (Fifth Amendment)

Yi Chu: A Hsi Lai Temple bookkeeper who admitted to altering several temple checks used to reimburse donors to Democrats. (Fifth Amendment)

Man Ya Shih: A Buddhist nun who says she donated $ 5,000 to the DNC that was not her own money. (Fifth Amendment)

Cheyenne-Arapaho: An Oklahoma tribe that contributed $ 107,000 to the Clinton-Gore campaign in 1996. The donation was returned after news reports suggested fund-raisers lied to tribal representatives about what they might get in return. (Fifth Amendment)

John H.K. Lee: A South Korean donor whose donations to the DNC were returned. (Out of the country)

Judy Hsu, Jie Su Hsiao, Yumei Yang, Hsiu Luan Tseng, Seow Fong Ooi, Hsiu Chu Lin, Chi Rung Wang, Hsin Chin Shih: Buddhist nuns. (Fifth Amendment)

Su-Jen Wu: Abbess of the Hsi Lai Temple. (Fifth Amendment)

Man Ho: Wu's assistant, who helped coordinate the temple event. (Fifth Amendment)

Dewi Tirto: No information. (Out of the country)

Jin Chin Hsueh, Huetsan Huang, Steven Hwang, Woody Hwang, Zie Pan Huang, Bin Yueh Jeng, Mike Lin, Jane Dewi Tahir, Lay Kweek Wie, Lai Bun Tsun: No public information. (Fifth Amendment)