Starr Report

Table of Names

The Principals

William Jefferson Clinton President of the United States

Paula Corbin Jones Plaintiff in a civil suit against President Clinton

Monica Lewinsky Former White House Intern and Employee

Betty Currie Personal Secretary to the President

Vernon Jordan Friend of President Clinton, and Partner at Law Firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld

The First Family

Hillary Rodham Clinton First Lady of the United States

Chelsea Clinton Daughter of the President and First Lady

Presidential Aides/Advisors/Assistants

Madeline Albright Secretary of State

Sidney Blumenthal Assistant to the President

Erskine Bowles White House Chief of Staff

Lanny Bruer Special Counsel to the


Stephen Goodin Aide to President Clinton

Nancy Hernreich Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Oval Office Operations

John Hilley Assistant to the President and Director of Legislative Affairs; Monica Lewinsky's Supervisor

Harold Ickes Former Deputy Chief of Staff

Janis Kearney Special Assistant to the President and Records Manager

Timothy Keating Special Assistant to the President and Staff Director for Legislative Affairs; Monica Lewinsky's Immediate Supervisor

Ann Lewis Director, White House


Evelyn Lieberman Former Deputy Chief of Staff

Bruce Lindsey Deputy White House Counsel

Sylvia Mathews Deputy White House Chief of Staff

Thomas "Mack" McLarty Former White House Chief of Staff

Cheryl Mills Deputy White House Counsel

Dick Morris Former Advisor to President Clinton

Bob Nash Assistant to the President and Director of Presidential Personnel

Leon Panetta Former White House Chief of Staff

John Podesta Deputy White House Chief of Staff

Hon. Bill Richardson U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations

Charles Ruff White House Counsel

Marsha Scott Deputy Director of Personnel

George Stephanopoulous Former Senior Advisor for Policy and Strategy

Barry Toiv Deputy White House Press Secretary

Other White House Personnel

Karin Joyce Abramson Former Director of the White House Intern Program

Caroline Badinelli Former White House Intern

Douglas Band Former White House Intern

Tracy Anne Bobowick Former White House Employee, Correspondence Office

Laura Capps Former White House Intern

Jay Footlik Former Employee of the Office of Presidential Personnel

Patrick Griffin Former Assistant to the President and Director of Legislative Affairs

George Hannie White House Butler

Jocelyn Jolley Former Director of Congressional Correspondence in the White House

Maureen Lewis Former White House Employee, Correspondence Office

Glen Maes White House Steward to President Clinton

Bayani Nelvis White House Steward to President Clinton

Charles O'Malley White House Operations Deputy Chief

Jennifer Palmieri Former Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff

Debra Schiff Receptionist, West Wing Lobby

Jamie Beth Schwartz Former Special Assistant to the Social Secretary in the White House Social Office

Patsy Thomasson Director of the Office of Administration, Executive Office of the President

Kathleen Willey Former White House Volunteer

Michael Williams Former White House Intern

Department of Defense Employees

Kenneth Bacon Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs; Monica Lewinsky's Pentagon Supervisor

Elizabeth Bailey Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for White House Liaison

Clifford Bernath Former Deputy to Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

Donna Boltz Assistant in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

Jeremy "Mike" Boorda Admiral, United States Navy (deceased)

Richard Bridges Colonel, Director for Defense Information

Rebecca Cooper Chief of Staff, United States Mission to the United Nations

Monica Ramirez Cranick Sergeant, Broadcast Engineer, Office of the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

Marsha Dimel Administrative Support Specialist for Personnel and Administration in the National Security Council

Charles Duncan Former Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

Kate Friedrich Special Assistant, National Security Advisor

Jeff Gradick Commander, Military Assistant to the Deputy Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

James Graybeal Lt. Commander, Military

Assistant to the Deputy

Assistant to the Assistant

Secretary of Defense for

Public Affairs

Mark Huffman Office Manager, Office of

Public Affairs, United States

Department of Defense

Jodi Kessinger Former Administrative

Assistant, Office of the

National Security Advisor,

National Security Council

Janet Reno Attorney General of the United


Darby Ellen Stott Special Assistant, White House

Press Secretary

Mona Sutphen Special Assistant to the

United States Ambassador to

the United Nations

Robert Tyrer Chief of Staff for the

Secretary of Defense

Isabelle Watkins Executive Assistant to Bill


Monica Lewinsky's Friends/Family/Acquaintances

Andrew Bleiler Former Boyfriend of Monica


Catherine Allday Davis Friend of Monica Lewinky

Kelly Lynn Davis Friend of Monica Lewinsky

Neysa Erbland Friend of Monica Lewinsky

Kathleen Estep Counselor to Monica Lewinsky

Deborah Finerman Aunt of Monica Lewinsky

David Grobanie Owner of Briarwood Bookstore

Dr. Irene Kassorla Therapist to Monica Lewinsky

Walter Kaye Family friend of Monica


Marcia Lewis Mother of Monica Lewinsky

Ashley Raines Friend of Monica Lewinsky and

White House Director of Office and Policy Development

Operations and Special Liaison

Peter Strauss Husband of Marcia Lewis

Linda Tripp Friend of Monica Lewinsky

Natalie Rose Ungvari Friend of Monica Lewinsky

Dale Young Family friend of Monica


Monica Lewinsky's New York Employment Contacts

Celia Berk Managing Director of Human

Resources at Burson-Marstellar

Ursula Fairbairn Executive Vice President,

Human Resources and Quality of

American Express

Peter Georgescu Chairman and Chief Executive

Officer at Young & Rubicam

Richard Halerpin Executive Vice President and

Special Counsel to the

President of Revlon

Barbara Naismith Secretary at American Express

Ronald Perelman Chairman of the Board of

McAndrews & Forbes Holding


Thomas Schick Executive Vice President,

Corporate Affairs and

Communications at American


Douglas S. Willey Vice President, Hecht-Spencer

Secret Service

William C. Bordley Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Gary Byrne Secret Service Uniformed


Daniel Carbonetti Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Brent Chinery Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Larry Cockell Special Agent In Charge,

Secret Service Presidential

Protective Division

Douglas Dragotta Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Robert C. Ferguson Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Lewis Fox Retired Secret Service

Uniformed Officer

Mathew Fitsch Lt., Secret Service Uniformed


Nelson Garabito Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Bryan Hall Secret Service Uniformed


Brian Henderson Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Reginald Hightower Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Oliver Janney Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Greg LaDow Secret Service Uniformed Officer

William Ludtke III Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Tim Lynn Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Lewis Merletti Director, Secret Service

John Muskett Secret Service Uniformed


Fremon Myles, Jr. Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Robert Myrick Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Gary Niedzwieki Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Joe Overstreet Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Steven Pape Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Stacy Porter Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Geoffrey Purdie Secret Service Uniformed Officer, Captain

William Clair Shegogue Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Barry Smith Secret Service Uniformed Officer

William Tyler Secret Service Uniformed


Sandra Verna Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Keith Williams Secret Service Uniformed Officer, Sergeant

Michael Wilson Secret Service Uniformed Officer

Bryant Withrow Lt., Secret Service Uniformed

Office Division

Lawyers and Judges

Kirbe Behre Linda Tripp's former attorney

Robert Bennett Attorney for President Clinton

Robert Bittman Deputy Independent Counsel

Plato Cacheris Attorney for Monica Lewinsky

Frank Carter Monica Lewinsky's former


Lloyd Cutler Former White House Counsel

Mitchell Ettinger Attorney for President Clinton

Vince Foster Former Deputy White House


Hon. Norma Holloway Johnson Chief Judge, U.S. District

Court for the District of


David Kendall Attorney for President Clinton

Karl Metzner Attorney for Betty Currie

Kathy Sexton Attorney for President Clinton

Hon. Susan Webber Wright U.S. District Judge

presiding over Jones v.

Clinton civil suit

Hon. David Tatel Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals

for the D.C. Circuit


Matt Drudge Drudge Report

Kristen Ganong Manager of Publications, The

Heritage Foundation

Lucianne Goldberg Literary Agent

Michael Isikoff Reporter, Newsweek Magazine

Jim Lehrer Television Journalist

Eleanor Mondale Reporter, CBS News

Susan Schmidt Correspondent, Washington Post

Foreign Dignitaries

Yitzak Rabin Former Prime Minister of


Ernesto Zedillo President of Mexico


Ron Brown Former Commerce Secretary

Patrick Fallon Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Webster L. Hubbell Former Associate Attorney

General, Friend of the Clinton
